Saturday 5 January 2013

Using Collaboration Tools- making a WIKI

I put together a "wiki", an on-line information page on the topic of "what was education like 30 years ago?” A Wiki is an on-line collaborative tool which allows anyone to create an information site on whatever topic of their choice. Wikis can include texts, graphics, videos, pictures, just like a blog. A popular example of a Wiki is "Wikipedia", this website is a collection of people's information they know about a topic, all posted on one page. It is an encyclopaedia which is free to use. The only disadvantage of using a website similar to this is that anyone can publish their ideas; they may be incorrect, biased and not reliable sources of information. 
        To create my page, I first had to research the topic. I asked my parents and lecturer about their experience of school 30 years ago. I also Google searched the topic to find pictures of what the technology was like in the classrooms. I found pictures of huge computers and over-head projectors. With this information I created my Wiki, and attached it to the other pages members of my group had made. It was straight forward and easy to create and looked simple but effective.  
        The good thing about using a Wiki is that it can be updated all the time. Whatever information you write, it can be changed and improved over time. They are also very flexible can be made as vibrant and interesting as possible and you can design the layout. 

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