Wednesday 16 January 2013

Review of "Creative Education Blog"

One of the blogs I have on my blog list is The blog is educational, focusing on "Providing teaching advice, ideas and opinions". One post I was particularly interested in was based on autism, and five myths about it. It was written to raise achievement for pupils with autism in schools. The blog is really inspiring, and I can see it would be very helpful to teachers. It has posts on how to engage pupils after school holidays, how to gain control of your class, how to put together interesting lesson plans and many more motivating posts. There is also an option to follow the blog on twitter, and sign up to a free guide on their teaching guidance.
            I think having this blog on my blog list is relevant as I am studying Ed studies, and want to be a primary school teacher. A blog like this may be useful to some teachers, especially new teachers who don't have much experience yet. I hope to use this blog in the future and keep reading its posts! 

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