Friday 2 November 2012

Similarities and differences between a blog and website

A blog is fairly different to a website. A website is generally a site to publish information; a blog is normally a bias view of someone's own opinion of a topic. For example, BBC Sport is a website featuring recent football news, topics, fixtures and comments. Football Blog is a blog also featuring most recent football news, but is more opinionated.
        A blog features many posts, all dated, displaying most recent at the top of the page. A website will also have posts, but they are more like articles or stories. The blog will have a heading, as do many websites. It will feature quick links to archive posts dating back to when the blog was first published, whereas a website doesn’t, however it does feature links to recent pages. They both have the chance to post a comment on the story or blog. They both have hyperlinks to social network sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Websites usually have text, photographs and videos, whereas blogs normally have just text and photographs.

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